I'm using camel-quartz (Camel 2.4) and have some problems with the timer
name (part of the URI).

It seems that if I have two different routes (using camel-quartz) with the
same timername, only one of the quartz endpoints will be activated, e g:



If I make sure that the timernames are unique, both quartz endpoints will
work. Thus I conclude that the timername must be unique (maybe this is a
quartz thing and not a camel-quartz thing).

However, I get no indication that something is wrong since the camel route
is started and looks fine although the quartz endpoint will never trigger.
This is not a good situation. In my case I use this for monitoring purposes.
I thought that the monitoring worked fine but it was actually never
triggered at all.

I'm not sure if this due to camel-quartz or quartz itself. However, if it is
possible for camel-quartz to determine that the endpoint was created OK (not
OK if duplicate timer names), then this should case the camel context to

I run this in an OSGi environment (Karaf 1.6.0). Thus routes like the above
can be created independent of each other which makes it hard to guarantee
that the timername is unique.


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