Hi Daniel,

I think this is not part of the documentation, because it's a native spring functionality. With

<import resource="myCoolRoutes.xml"/>

you're importing a new Spring context and here of course you need a surrounding bean element.

Best regards - Claus

On 07.12.2010 12:11, Illtud Daniel wrote:
Yes, I know it's a FAQ, my problem is that:


Doesn't work. It appears (from googling) that the imported file needs
a <beans> element and namespace declarations, which are missing from
that FAQ entry, although it appears to show the entirety of the included

Can that FAQ entry be fixed? It appears that the question is still
being asked frequently as the FAQ doesn't answer it correctly.

Is there somewhere else that I should direct corrections to the
documentation? There's a lot more XML configuration examples that
I'd like added, they take a while to work out if there's no example.

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