Hi Andy,

try this:

                    .when(simple("${body.size} == 0"))

Best regards - Claus

On 07.12.2010 13:04, Andy Bourke wrote:

I have been trying to influence whether or not the next endpoint gets
processed based on some aspect of the mesage body using spring DSL and am
having no luck with it. I have tried various incarnations of the following
configuration (including<CHOICE><WHEN> tags in place of

                         ${out.body}.size>  0

In my mind, this should only Marshal the data and create the output file if
the size of the Map in the Message body is greater than zero. The bean
(formatOutput) always adds a Map object to the body but this may contain no

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong please?


claus straube

phone    +49-89-38157419
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catify | claus straube, sebastian münz

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