Hi all:

I have a DSL that works as expected, but when I add delay()'s, it doesn't. 
 Is this a bug or do I not understand the delay() function?

Test Class:

public class ChoiceTesting extends CamelTestSupport {

    protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
        return new RouteBuilder() {
            public void configure() throws Exception {
                    .log("Starting testing")
                            .log("In the beginning!  Body=${body}")
                                    .log("choice 1")
                                            .log("choice 2")
                                                    .log("choice 3")
RuntimeException("Some Error"))
                            .log("In the end!  Body=${body}")

                    .log("In the middle!  Body=${body}");


    public void run() {
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "X");

Produces the expected output of:

2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route1 - Starting testing
2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route1 - In the beginning!  Body=X
2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route1 - choice 1
2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route1 - choice 2
2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route2 - In the middle!  Body=X
2011-01-24 15:16:42,891 INFO  route1 - In the end!  Body=X

But when I uncomment the delay() calls, the output changes to:

2011-01-24 15:23:55,477 INFO  route1 - Starting testing
2011-01-24 15:23:55,477 INFO  route1 - In the beginning!  Body=X
2011-01-24 15:23:55,477 INFO  route1 - choice 1
2011-01-24 15:23:55,977 INFO  route1 - choice 2
2011-01-24 15:23:56,477 INFO  route2 - In the middle!  Body=DUMMY
2011-01-24 15:23:56,477 INFO  route1 - In the end!  Body=DUMMY

I'm using Camel 2.5.0.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Borner
Java Developer - ZStream Xpress

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