On 29.03.2011 13:59, gonzalo diethelm wrote:
One thing I have not been able to figure out is how to expose all these
CRUD services over jetty. Just as an example, let's say I will handle
account objects and will want to support three actions on them:
GET /account/{id} =>   retrieve that account
PUT /account/{id}/balance/{bal} =>   update that account's balance
DELETE /account/{id} =>   delete that account

How many end points do I need to expose with a from("jetty")? If it is
only one endpoint for all actions (which would be great), how do I route
to the proper bean method given the HTTP method and the set of parameters
I received? If it is one endpoint for each action, how do I specify the
endpoints so that they are differentiated by their HTTP method and URL

I don't know, if this /account/{id} stuff works with jetty, but it works
well with RESTLET (wich starts an internal http server and is a REST
component by default). I would create for all operations a single
endpoint. They could look like:
Great, this works. And I guess you meant that you would create one endpoint for 
each operation, right?
For me it's more transparent - but you can do this like you want ;) Something like this would work as well


  Oh, and this only works with restlet v1, right? I was unable to make Camel 
work with restlet v2.
I worked only with v1, but with camel 2.7.0 v2 should work, too (see CAMEL-3701).
The only weird thing I am seeing is warnings such as:

com.noelios.restlet.http.HttpConverter addAdditionalHeaders
WARNING: Addition of the standard header "User-Agent" is not allowed.
  Please use the Restlet API instead.

Any ideas?
Here're the restlet header vars: http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_1.1/13-restlet/27-restlet/130-restlet.html

I think this is the key to remove these warnings.
I am leaning more towards using pure Spring (REST / JMS templates) to
invoke the services; it seems more natural to me and I think the
developers would find it an easier path.

I don't see why this should be easier - but okay :)
It is just that I would like the team building the clients not to think in 
terms of a service bus or integration, but in terms of simple RPC.

I definitely will. Thanks for clarifying this for me; this area is where
my expertise is the least (close to zero), and to my newbie eyes OSGi
seems "too good to be true".

I'm not sure if your services have a good granularity to deploy each of
them as a single application in an OSGi container, because there is some
little overhead to make them ready for OSGi.
I guess some testing (on my part) is called for.

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