On 26/05/2011 17:15, Bruno Dusausoy wrote:

Hi Claus,

I've tried but I realized very soon that it is useless since the route
start with the cxfrs endpoint and immediately take the payload and tries
to unmarshall it, *before* hitting the validation component, making the
latter useless.

Maybe I should another endpoint for my route, a more complex CXF endpoint.

What do you think ?


I've tried with this :

    <cxf:rsServer id="rsServer"

            <ref bean="computationService"/>

    <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
            <from uri="cxfrs://bean://rsServer"/>
            <!-- -->

It works fine now.

Bruno Dusausoy
YP5 Software
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