
Redelivery is not disabled when maximumRedeliveries is set to 0. I experience 
that one redelivery is always attempted.  

The errorhandler  looks like this.

        <errorHandler xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"; 
                type="DeadLetterChannel" deadLetterUri="jms:deadLetters" 
                <redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="0"/>

It seems like the last line could be the problem:

From RedeliveryPolicy.java:
    * Returns true if the policy decides that the message exchange should be
    * redelivered.
    * @param exchange  the current exchange
    * @param redeliveryCounter  the current retry counter
    * @param retryWhile  an optional predicate to determine if we should 
redeliver or not
    * @return true to redeliver, false to stop
   public boolean shouldRedeliver(Exchange exchange, int redeliveryCounter, 
Predicate retryWhile) {
       // predicate is always used if provided
       if (retryWhile != null) {
           return retryWhile.matches(exchange);

       if (getMaximumRedeliveries() < 0) {
           // retry forever if negative value
           return true;
       // redeliver until we hit the max
       return redeliveryCounter <= getMaximumRedeliveries();

Am I doing something wrong ? Are there some properties that I have to set ?

-- camel version: 2.7.1

Morten Holm

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Skype: morten.holm

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