
Here is a piece of CamelContext Spring XML:

            <from uri=""/>
                 <to uri="direct:a"/>
                <idempotentConsumer messageIdRepositoryRef="idemRepo1">
                    <to uri="direct:c"/>
                <to uri="direct:d"/>
            <to uri="mock:result"/>

I got a problem in load balancer, about the relationship of endpoint 
"idempotentConsumer" and "direct:d". "direct:d" should be a child of load 
balancer. What should I do if I want "direct:d" to be a next endpoint of 
"idempotentConsumer", which is not a child endpoint of load balancer?

It seems Camel cannot support this, is it a bug? All the first level endpoints 
under load balancer are the child endpoint of the load balancer....


Xiaopeng Li

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