I'm debugging an issue where my Spring initialized code attempts to use a Camel 
route before the route is initialized. I attempted to fix this by adding 
"depends-on" in my Spring configuration to make my code depend on the 
camelContext but it didn't help. I could see that the context was being 
created, then my code created (which starts executing in another thread), then 
the context was started.

I debugged the SpringCamelContext and found that the afterPropertiesMethod is 
never called which means the context isn't started until onApplicationEvent is 
fired with a ContextRefreshedEvent. A breakpoint in afterPropertiesMethod is 
never triggered so maybeStart() is never called. So the "depends-on" doesn't 
help because Spring considers the SprintCamelContext initialized and allows 
bean creation to continue even though the context is not yet started.

I'm using Spring 3.1.0 and Camel 2.9.0. Is this a known issue? Any suggestions 
for a work-around?


[cid:image001.jpg@01CCD052.D7C4B3F0] | Mike Pilone | Software Architect, 
Distribution | mpil...@npr.org<mailto:mpil...@npr.org> | o: 202-513-2679  m: 

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