How does your camel context look like (or at least the relevant route). What version of camel?


On 01/12/2012 09:49 AM, m.jimen.blazquez wrote:

I am managing a rest service with cxfrs camel component.

In the definition of my rest service, I would like to invoke a bean:

public void people(@PathParam("service")String service,
                @PathParam("version") String version,
                @PathParam("operation") String operation,
                *@Bean(ref = "routeHelper", method="getObject")* Object json) {
        return null;

so that when I invoke the service, the content in the body (json) is
transformed into an object.

I have registered the bean in the context:

<bean id="routeHelper"     class="myPackage.RouteHelper" />

The problem is that the routeHelper.getObject is never called. I have no
error in the execution, I obtain the body of the Exchange with the four
parameters as if the bold text has not been read.

¿Am I trying to do something is not permitted?

I have read in other post that cxfrs component unmarshalls the json but I
cannot find the way to manage this.

Kindest regards

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Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc

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