The is a common camel use case that we call web-enabling (or web-servicizing) legacy applications. For various reasons (usually related to protocols or security) we need to put a proxy in front of a legacy app.

Things you need to pay attention to:
* the protocol and interface exposed by M. Usually (REST) web services are your best friend, camel-cxf is an excellent bet, but not the only one; you want to decouple A from M as much as possible * scalability issues; pay attention to how you manage state and prefer async to sync when possible.

In my experience with camel you get results faster if you start small and grow incrementally in small steps. If you have questions, ask.

I hope this helps,

On 01/27/2012 08:13 AM, Andrey Stelmashenko wrote:
Hello, Community!

I work on a project design and consider using of apache camel. I
looked through the documentation, I liked it! I see that I may need
components and message translators. But I doubt in a way I`m going to
use it.
Here is some brief overview of a project goal:

The project is a mediator, let it be project M. project M will be a
client of several third party systems S1,S2,S3...
Also there is a project A which will use M to get aggregated data from
third party systems (S1,S2..) in some intermediate object model.

Scenario I plan to use apache camel is:

project A makes call to project M which makes several calls to systems
S1, S2 ..., translates object model from S1, S2... into A object model
and returns result to A.

Is the above scenario is normal for the use of apache camel?

Thank you.

Hadrian Zbarcea
Principal Software Architect
Talend, Inc

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