
I'm experimenting using camel to call a soap service but failing to
find the magic combination of steps to get the soap action header set.

The current approach I'm taking is to do something like the following:

public void configure() {
  SoapJaxbDataFormat soapDF =
            new SoapJaxbDataFormat(MyJaxBRequest.class.getPackage().getName());

  .setHeader("SOAPAction", simple("\"http://schemas.example.com"";))

Where myJaxBRequestBuilder is a bean that has a trivial signature:

public class MyJaxBRequestBuilder {
  public MyJaxBRequest newRequest() {
    MyJaxBRequest req = new MyJaxBRequest();
    // hard code various request params for now...
    return req;

This generates a soap request of the form:

<ns2:Envelope xmlns:ns2="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>

But there are no headers set...

Is what I'm trying to do supported? Am I missing some configuration in
the routerbuilder?

Many thanks for any help.



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