In a Spring Web + JPA application running on Tomcat, I'm using
CamelProxyFactoryBean to create a proxy for a service interface, where
the actual service implementation is a remote JMS endpoint. The
service is @InOnly.

When shutting down the web application, I'm getting an exception from
the proxy when Spring's  PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor the
hashCode() method of the proxied bean: The proxy forwards the
hashCode() invocation to the remote end which is not available, so the
invocation times out and causes the exception.

I'm not sure how to solve this. There doesn't seem to be an API to
customize the CamelInvocationHandler. Shouldn't the invocation handler
invoke hashCode() and equals() locally, at least in the @InOnly case,
which explicitly indicates that no responses should be expected from
the remote endpoint?

Best regards,

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