
I'm not sure why the AMQ connection is closed from the RabbitMq side.
>From the Camel side log everything look good.

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
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On Monday, October 22, 2012 at 3:21 AM, Syed wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am using the below specification, I am not able to establish connection
> with RabbitMQ using the below configuration. 
> Set the VM arguments -Dqpid.dest_syntax=BURL -Dqpid.amqp.version=0-91 
> Camel - 2.10.0 
> RabbitMQ 2.8.5 
> QPID Client - 0.16 
> Camel Configuration 
> ------------------------- 
> <bean id="amqp"
> class="org.apache.camel.component.amqp.AMQPComponent">
> <property name="connectionFactory">
> <bean class="org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnectionFactory">
> <constructor-arg index="0" type="java.lang.String" 
> value="amqp://guest:guest@host/?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'" />
> </bean>
> </property>
> </bean>
> <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
> <route>
> <from uri="amqp:queue:Master" />
> <to
> uri="file:D:/delete/?fileName=mydata-${date:now:yyyyMMddhhmmssSSS}.txt" />
> </route>
> </camelContext>
> Camel Console Log 
> ------------------------ 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO client.AMQConnection:
> Connection:amqp://guest:********@host/?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672' 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO protocol.AMQProtocolSession: Using ProtocolVersion
> for Session:0-91 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO handler.ClientMethodDispatcherImpl: New Method
> Dispatcher:AMQProtocolSession[null] 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO client.AMQConnection: Connecting with ProtocolHandler
> Version:0-91 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO state.StateWaiter: New StateWaiter :AMQState: id = 1
> AMQState: id = 6 name: CONNECTION_CLOSED] 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO protocol.AMQProtocolSession: Setting ProtocolVersion
> to :0-91 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO handler.ClientMethodDispatcherImpl: New Method
> Dispatcher:AMQProtocolSession[AMQConnection: 
> Host: localhost 
> Port: 5672 
> Virtual Host: 
> Client ID: host 
> Active session count: 0] 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO security.DynamicSaslRegistrar: Additional SASL
> providers successfully registered. 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO security.CallbackHandlerRegistry: Callback handlers
> available for SASL mechanisms: [EXTERNAL, GSSAPI, CRAM-MD5-HASHED, CRAM-MD5,
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO client.AMQConnection: Connected with ProtocolHandler
> Version:0-91 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO spring.SpringCamelContext: Route: route1 started and
> consuming from: Endpoint[amqp://queue:Master] 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO spring.SpringCamelContext: Total 1 routes, of which 1
> is started. 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO spring.SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 2.10.0
> (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 1.000 seconds 
> 12/10/21 21:32:27 INFO client.AMQSession: Created
> session:org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_8@13e9934 
> Rabbit MQ Log 
> ------------------ 
> =INFO REPORT==== 21-Oct-2012::21:32:27 === 
> accepting AMQP connection <0.783.0> ( -> 
> =WARNING REPORT==== 21-Oct-2012::21:32:28 === 
> closing AMQP connection <0.783.0> ( -> 
> connection_closed_abruptly 
> Kindly let me know what needs to be done.. 
> Thanks & REgards 
> Jawahar 
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/Failed-to-connect-using-Camel-RabbitMq-Configuration-tp5721351.html
> Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com 
> (http://Nabble.com).

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