Camel currently is essentially stateless. You can achieve what you want, but you'd have to implement it yourself. Something along the lines you mentioned.

We are however planning to have support for persistence at a core level in 3.0. Christian Ohr added some details about that on the 3.0 ideas page [1] (near the bottom of the page).



On 01/25/2013 10:56 AM, Vishal Changrani wrote:

There are a couple of use-cases that I want to address -
1. Persisting all routes last start-time and end-time somehow so that on the 
application server startup routes do not start if they have just recently ran 
and also to report route statistics.
2.Modifying the routes such that the changes don't take effect untill the 
current exchange finishes.

Can anyone share their insights if they have done something similar?
I have Camel running in Jboss with Oracle at the backend. I was thinking of 
creating a table - route_status to persist all this information but was 
wondering if there is a better approach.


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