Can you share your test with us?
Even better if you can share a working unit test so that we can run the
test and see what's going wrong.
And for every question, it's good to know which version of Camel do you use.


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 2:10 PM, MarkD <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have the following test route in my createRouteBuilder method of the
> test:
> The test data includes some input that throws exceptions so I am expecting
> those to end up in the mock endpoint called errorBin. This does seem to be
> the case. If I put a log after the docatch and before the to(errorBin) I
> see
> the log message.
> However, when I try to do asserts on this it doesn't seem to work. I can
> set
> expected messages to any value, including 0, and the test always passes!
> Can
> anybody see any obvious reason why this is happening?
> Note, the asserts I perform on the resultEndpoint work perfectly.
> --
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