
This latest suggestion works, but I also configured connection
pooling, so I went back to your prior suggestion of using JpaTemplate
and the nested anonymous classes and that now works also.

I know what you're thinking - why didn't I use connection pooling to
begin with?   Well since I had multiple issues to deal with, I
considered pooling to be an optimization which could wait.

I assumed that since my test scaffold was just a
single-process/single-threaded, that it would just use a single
connection to synchronously perform each step of persistence, but
since I'm using sequence-based key generation, I think there is
something in the OpenJPA implementation that assumes pooling is in

I will let the OpenJPA guys know.

Thanks again for your help.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:14 PM, James Carman
<jcar...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
> Try this:
>        JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new 
> JpaTransactionManager(factory);
>         TransactionTemplate template = new 
> TransactionTemplate(transactionManager);
>         template.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult()
>         {
>             @Override
>             protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus 
> status)
>             {
>                 EntityManager em = 
> EntityManagerFactoryUtils.getTransactionalEntityManager(factory);
>                 MyEntity entity = new MyEntity();
>                 em.persist(entity);
>             }
>         });
> On Jan 31, 2013, at 5:49 PM, Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> James,
>> Ok, now using TransactionTemplate, but I'm back to where I was - the
>> same apparent connection "leak", only now
>> the code is hideous with all those nested anonymous classes and whatnot... ;)
>>   -Chris
>>    static void saveToDB(final List<MdBaseData> data) throws Exception {
>>               EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
>>                               .createEntityManagerFactory("marketdata");
>>               final JpaTemplate jpaTempl = new JpaTemplate(emf);
>>               jpaTempl.afterPropertiesSet();
>>               JpaTransactionManager jpaTxMgr = new 
>> JpaTransactionManager(emf);
>>               jpaTxMgr.afterPropertiesSet();
>>               final TransactionTemplate txTmpl = new 
>> TransactionTemplate(jpaTxMgr);
>>               txTmpl.afterPropertiesSet();
>>               TransactionStrategy txStrategy = new TransactionStrategy() {
>>                       @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
>>                       public Object execute(final JpaCallback<?> callback) {
>>                               return txTmpl.execute(new 
>> TransactionCallback<Object>() {
>>                                       public Object 
>> doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
>>                                               return jpaTempl.execute(new 
>> JpaCallback<Object>() {
>>                                                       public Object 
>> doInJpa(EntityManager entityManager)
>>                                                                       throws 
>> PersistenceException {
>>                                                               return 
>> callback.doInJpa(entityManager);
>>                                                       }
>>                                               });
>>                                       }
>>                               });
>>                       }
>>               };
>>               txStrategy.execute(new JpaCallback<Object>() {
>>                       @Override
>>                       public Object doInJpa(EntityManager em) throws 
>> PersistenceException {
>>                               for (MdBaseData bd : data) {
>>                                       em.persist(bd);
>>                               }
>>                               return null; // writing to db, not reading...
>>                       }
>>               });
>>    }
>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:42 PM, James Carman
>> <jcar...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>>> Try using TransactionTemplate.
>>> On Jan 31, 2013, at 4:19 PM, Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> James,
>>>> As per your suggestion, I let Spring manage the transactions and the
>>>> apparent connection "leak" went away and I only see one connection
>>>> being opened per session, as expected.
>>>> Unfortunately, nothing got inserted into the database.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>  -Chris
>>>> My modified code looks like:
>>>>   static void saveToDB(List<MdBaseData> data) throws Exception {
>>>>              EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence
>>>>                              .createEntityManagerFactory("marketdata");
>>>>              JpaTransactionManager jpaTxMgr = new 
>>>> JpaTransactionManager(emf);
>>>>              EntityManager em =
>>>> jpaTxMgr.getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager();
>>>>              TransactionStatus txStatus =
>>>>                      jpaTxMgr.getTransaction(new 
>>>> DefaultTransactionDefinition());
>>>>              try {
>>>>                      //em.getTransaction().begin();
>>>>                      for (MdBaseData bd : data) {
>>>>                              em.persist(bd);
>>>>                      }
>>>>                      //em.getTransaction().commit();
>>>>                      jpaTxMgr.commit(txStatus);
>>>>              } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>                      jpaTxMgr.rollback(txStatus);
>>>>                      e.printStackTrace();
>>>>              } finally {
>>>>                      //em.close();
>>>>              }
>>>>   }
>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:45 PM, James Carman
>>>> <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>>>>> Well, it looks like you're also managing your own transactions.
>>>>> Perhaps just use Spring for the transaction management.
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Right, I looked into that but the Spring docs say that JpaTemplate is
>>>>>> deprecated in favor of native JPA APIs.
>>>>>> http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.1.x/javadoc-api/org/springframework/orm/jpa/JpaTemplate.html
>>>>>> I am using OpenJPA-2.1
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>  -Chris
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:29 PM, James Carman
>>>>>> <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well, you're managing your entity manager yourself, right?  You could
>>>>>>> have a bug in there that's leaving it open?  Can you use Spring or
>>>>>>> some other technology to do this for you in a way where you can be
>>>>>>> sure everything gets cleaned up?
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Howdy Matthias,
>>>>>>>> Yes, in an earlier post to this thread, I mentioned that 120
>>>>>>>> connections were being opened (the max). So, yes, the max connections
>>>>>>>> limit is being hit.
>>>>>>>> I observe this by tailing the TNS listener log
>>>>>>>> c:/app/<userId>/diag/tnslsnr/<userId>/listener/trace/listener.log
>>>>>>>> (Oracle-11g on Windows7)
>>>>>>>> The question is why?  Unless I have a connection leak.
>>>>>>>>  -Chris
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Matthias Lüneberg
>>>>>>>> <matthias.lueneb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Is it possible that the oracle database has reached its max 
>>>>>>>>> connections/processes limit?
>>>>>>>>> I found an article: 
>>>>>>>>> http://www.dadbm.com/2011/11/oracle-listener-refused-connection-ora-12519-troubleshooting/
>>>>>>>>> Maybe its a database failure. Can you have a look at this?
>>>>>>>>> HTH, Matthias
>>>>>>>>> Am 31.01.2013 um 18:48 schrieb Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> James,
>>>>>>>>>> Here is what it looks like.  At first, I was using the "jpa://"
>>>>>>>>>> endpoint, but then I needed to implement a custom processor to handle
>>>>>>>>>> additional logic.  Thanks for having a look...
>>>>>>>>>> -Chris
>>>>>>>>>> from("file:/tmp/local/data?filter=#filter&preMove=/tmp/local/holding/${file:onlyname}.${id}&move=/tmp/local/archive&moveFailed=/tmp/local/errors&readLock=changed")
>>>>>>>>>> .unmarshal(cpmdfileFormat)
>>>>>>>>>> .processRef("dataStore")
>>>>>>>>>> //.to("jpa:?persistenceUnit=marketdata")
>>>>>>>>>> .beanRef("oneshotPoller", "resumeJpaConsumer"); // signal consumer
>>>>>>>>>> route to begin
>>>>>>>>>> Bean for "dataStore":
>>>>>>>>>> public class CPMDPersister implements Processor {
>>>>>>>>>>     private static final transient Logger log =
>>>>>>>>>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(CPMDPersister.class);
>>>>>>>>>>     IGenericDAO<MdBaseData> mdBaseDataDAO;
>>>>>>>>>>     IGenericDAO<MdCurveData> mdCurveDataDAO;
>>>>>>>>>>     public CPMDPersister(){}
>>>>>>>>>>  public CPMDPersister(IGenericDAO<MdBaseData> mdBaseDataDAO,
>>>>>>>>>> IGenericDAO<MdCurveData> mdCurveDataDAO) {
>>>>>>>>>>     this.mdBaseDataDAO = mdBaseDataDAO;
>>>>>>>>>>     this.mdCurveDataDAO = mdCurveDataDAO;
>>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>>>     @Override
>>>>>>>>>>     public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>             Message inMsg = exchange.getIn();
>>>>>>>>>>             @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>>>>>>>>>             List<MdBaseData> mdBaseData =
>>>>>>>>>> (ArrayList<MdBaseData>)inMsg.getBody(ArrayList.class);
>>>>>>>>>>             IntervalElapsedTimer avg = new IntervalElapsedTimer();
>>>>>>>>>>             avg.start();
>>>>>>>>>>             mdBaseDataDAO.begin();
>>>>>>>>>>             for (MdBaseData md : mdBaseData) {
>>>>>>>>>>                     setParentReferences(md);
>>>>>>>>>>                     mdBaseDataDAO.save(md);
>>>>>>>>>>                 avg.lap();
>>>>>>>>>>                 log.debug("JPA Persist MD: {}, {}",
>>>>>>>>>>                     new Object[] {md.toString(), avg.toString()});
>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>             mdBaseDataDAO.commit();
>>>>>>>>>>             log.debug("JPA Persist: {}", avg.toString());
>>>>>>>>>>             int a = 0;
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>     void setParentReferences(MdBaseData md) {
>>>>>>>>>>             for (MdCurveData cd : md.getMdCurveData()) {
>>>>>>>>>>                     if (cd.getMdBaseData() == null)
>>>>>>>>>>                             cd.setMdBaseData(new 
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<MdBaseData>());
>>>>>>>>>>                     if (!cd.getMdBaseData().contains(md))
>>>>>>>>>>                             cd.getMdBaseData().add(md);
>>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> The DAOs, are a thin wrapper around EntityManager, like:
>>>>>>>>>>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>>>>>>>>>     public List<T> findAll() {
>>>>>>>>>>             return entityManager.createQuery("from " + 
>>>>>>>>>> entityType.getName())
>>>>>>>>>>                             .getResultList();
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>     public void begin() {
>>>>>>>>>>             this.entityManager.getTransaction().begin();
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>     public void commit() {
>>>>>>>>>>             this.entityManager.getTransaction().commit();
>>>>>>>>>>             this.entityManager.clear();
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>     public void rollback() {
>>>>>>>>>>             this.entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:34 PM, James Carman
>>>>>>>>>> <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> What does your route look like?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have further determined that it's an OpenJPA issue (or user 
>>>>>>>>>>>> error,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but how can that be?) ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>> I will report back when I get to the bottom of it.  Thanks a lot,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 2:47 AM, Willem Jiang 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <willem.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you share us your camel route? It is important for us to find 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out the key reason of your issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 发自我的 iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 在 2013-1-26,上午5:22,Chris Wolf <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Chris Wolf 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cwolf.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I ask because when I use jpa:  in producer mode, I get this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: oracle.net.ns.NetException: Listener refused the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the following error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Strangely, using  jpa: in consumer mode, this does not happen.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tnslsnr.log, I observe 120 connections being opened when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running the route with jpa: in producer mode.  If I instead use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom Processor and do my own JPA persistence code,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the issue does not occur.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for any advice,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I stepped through with the debugger and the problem went away.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point at which a lot of connections were opened was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after I stepped over:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>             return jpaTemplate.execute(new JpaCallback<Object>() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 public Object doInJpa(EntityManager 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entityManager)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throws PersistenceException {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                     return callback.doInJpa(entityManager);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..and when running in real time (not debugging) it seems to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in an AsyncProcessor - I wonder if it's too many worker
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> threads eating up the connections?  BTW, this is mt first project
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using Camel, so forgive the lack of experience...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] UnmarshallingContext           
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EOF reached at line 2007
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] SendProcessor                  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Endpoint[jpa://?persistenceUnit=marketdata] Exchange[null]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] JpaTransactionManager          
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Creating new transaction with name [null]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8505  marketdata  INFO   [Camel (camel-1) thread #1 -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file:///tmp/local/data] openjpa.Runtime - Starting OpenJPA 2.2.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8535  marketdata  INFO   [Camel (camel-1) thread #1 -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file:///tmp/local/data] openjpa.jdbc.JDBC - Using dictionary 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.OracleDictionary".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] JpaTransactionManager          
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opened new EntityManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerImpl@798b429b] for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JPA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transaction
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] JpaTransactionManager          
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initiating transaction commit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] JpaTransactionManager          
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Committing JPA transaction on EntityManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerImpl@798b429b]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] JpaTransactionManager          
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Closing JPA EntityManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityManagerImpl@798b429b] after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transaction
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ad #1 - file:///tmp/local/data] EntityManagerFactoryUtils      
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DEBUG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Closing JPA EntityManager

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