Hello Community, 

I apologize for the long post upon list entry, but I thought this might be

I was working on a use case that involves running Camel inside an OSGi
Container and for configuration I am using Apache Aries 1.0.0.
As i have a HTTP Service already running and need to support HTTP posts, I
figured using the servlet component would make sense.

This having said, trying to use the configuration found here
(http://camel.apache.org/servlet.html) doesn't work out of the box.
The main reason seems to be that CamelServlet is a class rather than an
interface, so it can't be registered as an OSGi service
easily. Googling around indicated that using the attribute "ext:classes" on
the blueprint reference should do the trick, but I got
errors from Blueprint not being able to create the service proxy.

I stepped back and tried to understand what *should* happen and came up with
a solution / workaround that I thought was worth sharing.

1. I need to gain access to the CamelServlet by OSGI means.
2. I need to stick a HTTP Registry into that servlet.
3. I need to define an endpoint that wires the Registry and the Servlet

First, I have defined an Interface CamelServletProvider that has merely one

public interface CamelServletProvider {

  public CamelServlet getCamelServlet();

with an associated implementation:

public class CamelServletProviderImpl implements CamelServletProvider {

  private CamelServlet camelServlet = null;

  public void setCamelServlet(CamelServlet camelServlet) {
    this.camelServlet = camelServlet;

  public CamelServlet getCamelServlet() {
    return camelServlet;

The idea for this class is, that it lives alongside the CamelServlet and a
CamelServletProvider is registered as an OSGi Service like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


  <bean id="camelServlet"
class="org.apache.camel.component.servlet.CamelHttpTransportServlet" />

  <bean id="servletProvider"
    <property name="camelServlet" ref="camelServlet" />

  <service ref="camelServlet" interface="javax.servlet.Servlet" >
      <entry key="alias"                value="/camel/services" />
      <entry key="matchOnUriPrefix"     value="true" />
      <entry key="servlet-name"         value="CamelServlet"/>
      <entry key="osgi.web.contextpath" value="/camel/services" />

  <service ref="servletProvider"
      <entry key="servlet-name"         value="CamelServlet"/>


Now we have a bundle that exposes a Camel Servlet as HTTP transport which I
can use in endpoints to come in another bundle.

To make this work I need a HTTP Registry, that I can stick into Blueprint
and that reacts to CamelServletProviders coming and going.
The DefaultHTTPRegistry in Camel reacts to javax.servlet.Servlet.

I have simply cloned the DefaultHTTPRegistry and made it react to

public class  CamelServletHTTPRegistry implements HttpRegistry {
  private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

  private static HttpRegistry singleton;

  private final Set<HttpConsumer> consumers;
  private final Set<CamelServlet> providers;

  public  CamelServletHTTPRegistry() {
    consumers = new HashSet<HttpConsumer>();
    providers = new HashSet<CamelServlet>();

   * Lookup or create a HttpRegistry
  public static synchronized HttpRegistry getSingletonHttpRegistry() {
    if (singleton == null) {
      singleton = new  CamelServletHTTPRegistry();
    return singleton;

  public void register(HttpConsumer consumer) {
    LOG.debug("Registering consumer for path {} providers present: {}",
     consumer.getPath(), providers.size());
    for (CamelServlet provider : providers) {

  public void unregister(HttpConsumer consumer) {
    LOG.debug("Unregistering consumer for path {} ", consumer.getPath());
    for (CamelServlet provider : providers) {

  public void register(CamelServletProvider provider, Map properties) {
    LOG.info("Registering provider through OSGi service listener {}",
    try {
      CamelServlet camelServlet = provider.getCamelServlet();
      camelServlet.setServletName((String) properties.get("servlet-name"));
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      LOG.info("Provider is not a Camel Servlet");

  public void unregister(CamelServletProvider provider, Map<String, Object>
properties) {
    LOG.info("Deregistering provider through OSGi service listener {}",
    try {
      CamelServlet camelServlet = provider.getCamelServlet();
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      LOG.info("Provider is not a Camel Servlet");

  public void register(CamelServlet provider) {
    LOG.debug("Registering CamelServlet with name {} consumers present: {}",
     provider.getServletName(), consumers.size());
    for (HttpConsumer consumer : consumers) {

  public void unregister(CamelServlet provider) {

  public void setServlets(List<Servlet> servlets) {
    for (Servlet servlet : servlets) {
      if (servlet instanceof CamelServlet) {
        providers.add((CamelServlet) servlet);

The trick here is in the register / unregister method reacting to the
CamelServletProvider interface.

Now I was able to stick all of that together in a bundle configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


  <!-- Get an instance of the registry -->
  <bean id="httpRegistry"
class="de.woq.camel.sib.http.CamelServletHTTPRegistry" />

  <!-- Get hold of the Servlet Provider by its interface and servlet name
    <reference-listener ref="httpRegistry" bind-method="register"
unbind-method="unregister" />

  <!-- Create the servlet component -->
  <bean id="servlet"
    <property name="httpRegistry" ref="httpRegistry" />


    <!-- Just convenience to stick file into a directory and have them
posted to a URL. -->
    <!-- /camel/services was the root context of my transport service above
      <camel:from uri="file:///tmp/woq-in" />
      <camel:to uri="http://localhost:8080/camel/services/test"; />

    <!-- The actual route -->
      <!-- Three /// are important, otherwise the endpoint will be
registered with path "/" -->
      <camel:from uri="servlet:///test" />
      <camel:to uri="file:///tmp/woq-out" />



If you think this is usefull, I am happy to stick it in the wiki rather than
in the user's list.

Best regards
Andreas Gies

WoQ ­ Way of Quality UG

Geschäftsführer & CTO

eMail: andr...@wayofquality.de

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