
Did you push some message to the topic which the route is subscribed?
Can you add some log between your first route from and to endpoints?

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
FuseSource is now part of Red Hat
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On Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 11:34 PM, Jinesh M.K wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some problem with mqtt end point using spring DSL. Here my route
> definition
> <camel:route>
> <camel:from
> uri="mqtt:foo?host=tcp://myhost:1883&amp;subscribeTopicName=test/#" />
> <camel:to
> uri="mqtt:bar?host=tcp:/myhost:1883&amp;publishTopicName=test1/test" />
> <camel:log message="Message processed" />
> </camel:route>
> Using this route definition, the program taking long time to print the log
> message and nothing is published under test1/test topic. If I remove any
> one the mqtt route. It will works fine. For example
> <camel:route>
> <camel:from
> uri="mqtt:foo?host=tcp://myhost:1883&amp;subscribeTopicName=test/#" />
> <camel:to uri="file:/myhome/test" />
> <camel:log message="Message processed" />
> </camel:route>
> or
> <camel:route>
> <camel:from uri="file:/myhome/test" />
> <camel:to
> uri="mqtt:bar?host=tcp:/myhost:1883&amp;publishTopicName=test1/test" />
> <camel:log message="Message processed" />
> </camel:route>
> Both these condition works fine. Problem only using mqtt in from and to
> route.
> Any idea about it?
> Thanks in advance
> --  
> Jinesh M.K
> <mkjin...@gmail.com (mailto:mkjin...@gmail.com)>

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