The same http4 component does not support multiple
sslContextParametersRef. We have added a validation in the next
releases about that.

If you want 2+ sslContextParametersRef then you need one per different
http4 component

See the bottom of this page showing how to

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 7:24 PM, apatel <> wrote:
> Following things we have tried:
> * two routes with different "sslContextParametersRef" endpoint options.
> * two routes with different "httpClientConfigurerRef" endpoint options
> * two routes with different "httpClientConfigurerRef" AND "
> File:  encoreSSLParams.groovy
> ----------------------------------------------
> beans {
> encoreSslKeyStoreParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters)
> {
>                password = "xxxxx"
>                resource =
> "${System.getProperty('NIMBUS_HOME')}/qa2certs/EncoreKeyStore.jks".toString()
>       }
> encoreSslTrustStoreParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters)
> {
>                password = "xxxxx"
>                resource =
> "${System.getProperty('NIMBUS_HOME')}/qa2certs/EncoreTrustStore.jks".toString()
>       }
> encoreSslKeyManagersParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyManagersParameters)
> {
>                keyStore = ref encoreSslKeyStoreParametersRef
>                keyPassword = "xxxxx"
>      }
> encoreTrustManagersParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.TrustManagersParameters)
> {
>                 keyStore = ref encoreSslTrustStoreParametersRef
>       }
> encoreSslContextParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters)
> { bean ->
>            bean.singleton = false
>            keyManagers = ref encoreSslKeyManagersParametersRef
>            trustManagers = ref encoreTrustManagersParametersRef
>       }
> }
> File: partialSSLParams.groovy
> beans {
> partialSslTrustStoreParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters)
> {
>                password = "weblogic1234"
>                resource =
> "${System.getProperty('NIMBUS_HOME')}/qa2certs/EncoreTrustStore.jks".toString()
>       }
> partialTrustManagersParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.TrustManagersParameters)
> {
>                 keyStore = ref partialSslTrustStoreParametersRef
>       }
> partialSslContextParametersRef(org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters)
> {  bean ->
>            bean.singleton = false
>            trustManagers = ref partialTrustManagersParametersRef
>       }
> }
> Beans File used for trying multiple configurators, as well as multiple
> seperate clientConnectionManagers to see if using seperate
> clientConnectionManagers where the ssl stuff was desired to be seperated
> would help:
> import org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpClientConfigurer
> import org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpComponent
> import org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpEndpoint
> import nimbus.ExtBeans.TracingHttp4.TracingHttp4Configurator
> import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager
> import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
> beans {
>                  http4ClientSchemeRegistry(SchemeRegistry)
>                  tracingHttp4ClientSchemeRegistry(SchemeRegistry)
>                 http4ClientConnMgr(ThreadSafeClientConnManager,
> ref("http4ClientSchemeRegistry"))
>                  tracingHttp4ClientConnMgr(ThreadSafeClientConnManager,
> ref("tracingHttp4ClientSchemeRegistry"))
>                  tracingHttp4ConfiguratorBean(TracingHttp4Configurator)
> }
> Two routes that you play with the see the effects:
> Tracing test route:
> <route xmlns=""; trace="true"
> id="nimbus.ssltests:tracingHttp4Test:1.0" >
>   <from uri=\"servlet:///test/onMobileWith2WaySSL" />
>   <setHeader headerName="Exchange.HTTP_URI">
>         <constant>https4://xxxxxxxxx:443</constant>
> </setHeader>
>  <to
> uri="https4://dummy10?sslContextParametersRef=encoreSslContextParametersRef"/>
> </route>
> Non Tracing test route:
> <route xmlns=""; trace="true"
> id="nimbus.ssltests:http4Test:1.0" >
>   <from uri=\"servlet:///test/onMobileWithSsl" />
>   <setHeader headerName="Exchange.HTTP_URI">
>         <constant>https4://xxxxxxxxxx:443</constant>
> </setHeader>
>  <to
> uri="https4://dummy20?sslContextParametersRef=partialSslContextParametersRef"/>
> </route>
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

Claus Ibsen
----------------- The open source integration conference.

Red Hat, Inc.
FuseSource is now part of Red Hat
Twitter: davsclaus
Author of Camel in Action:

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