
 I am trying to upload the around 100 mb file from one server to different.
First I am trying to copy the file from one server to the server where my
application is running. Below are the issue I am facing.
1. When file copy is in-progress status, camel application start picking up
the file and throwing an exception, file not found because it is used by
some other process. How to fix this issue.
2.Before processing the file I am validating the file against the xsd
schema and then processed. It processed all the records successfully but at
the ends it is throwing an below exception message.
 Rollback file strategy:
 for file: GenericFile[TestData.xml]
 CamelLogger file.GenericFileOnCompletion : Caused by:
[org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException -
Error renaming file from C:\in\TestData.xml]
 Just I have started to using the camel framework, so does not have an much
idea about it. Waiting for response. Can some one help me to fix this issue.

Pankaj Jain

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