What version of Camel and HawtDB are you using?

To try to recover you would possible need to write some java code with
the HawtDB API to load the corrupted file(s) and peak inside.

Down the road we recommend using camel-leveldb instead of
camel-hawtdb. This uses LevelDB as the store instead which is a much
more mature and widespread used store.

Apache ActiveMQ 5.9 offers leveldb out of the box, and is being
considered as the recommended/default store over its KahaDB store.

The camel-leveldb has the same functionality as camel-hawtdb and is
very similar to setup.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Stefan Burkard <sburk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Camel users
> I have a component with 2 persistent aggregators. One receives all messages,
> one only a part of them. After a lot of test runs without problems I had
> yesterday a serious problem with the aggregator persistence (hawtdb).
> I don't know yet what causes the problems, but however, problems can occur.
> My problem is that I cannot recover the data from the hawtdb-files.
> Im my logs, I got first of all about 8 stacktraces like the attached
> "stacktrace1.txt". The number in the error message "The requested page was
> not an extent: 35" is growing from stacktrace to stacktrace from 35 to 1163.
> Then, I got some stacktraces like the attached "stacktrace2.txt".
> Finally I got A LOT of stacktraces like the attached "stacktrace3.txt".
> After shutting down the component gracefully, I tried to restart it, but
> this throws stacktraces like the attached "stacktrace-startup.txt".
> I can only start the component again if I rename the hawtdb-files so they
> are ignored and new hawtdb-files are created.
> This leaves me with the question: how can I recover the corrupted
> hawtdb-files? I didn't found anything about this subject and if this is not
> possible, this would be a real show-stopper.
> Thanks for any help
> Stefan

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Email: cib...@redhat.com
Twitter: davsclaus
Blog: http://davsclaus.com
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen

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