Hello all,

we are reading files, in parallel, split them line by line and then 
asynchronously process every line. The result is sent off via ActiveMQ (5.8.0).
Once in a while we receive an error in the ActiveMQ client. Processing of the 
file seems to continue fine. Once the EOF is reached we get this in the log:

2013-08-12 15:49:46,738 WARN  
org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOnCompletion - Rollback file 
 for file: 

The .camelLock file is deleted, but the file itself remains in the "in 
progress" folder instead of being deleted as when there is no error during 
processing. I have tried Camel 2.10.3 and 2.10.5. Both behave the same.

Can anybody help me out and tell me what to set on the endpoint so that files 
are removed on error as well?

The  endpoint:
<endpoint id="fileBufferFrom" 

The route:

<route id="process_from_file_buffer" startupOrder="11">
    <from ref="fileBufferFrom"/>
    <threads poolSize="5" maxPoolSize="5" keepAliveTime="60" timeUnit="SECONDS" 
maxQueueSize="50" threadName="file_consumer" rejectedPolicy="DiscardOldest">
        <convertBodyTo type="java.io.InputStream"/>
        <split streaming="true" parallelProcessing="true">
            <tokenize token="\r\n"/>
                    <simple>${property.CamelSplitIndex} == 0</simple>
                    <multicast parallelProcessing="false">
                        <to uri="direct:extractMsgType1"/>
                        <to uri="direct:extractMsgType2"/>
                        <to uri="direct:extractMsgType3"/>


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