Hi Claus,

thank you for that advises. But nevertheless I think it would be good ( not just for beginners ) if a warning is logged in servicemix.log for example after 10 attemps. In my case I double checked everythink except the firewall. That is way it took long time to see what causes the bundles not to start. If there would be a log: WARN: could not connect to broker after 10 attemps this would have helped me. Just as improvement.

regards Marco

Am 30.08.2013 15:09, schrieb Claus Ibsen:

If you want the bundle to fail starting, then you can configure
activeMQ to a max number of reconnect attempts on startup with

Otherwise it keeps retrying to connect to the broker.

Also the jms component in Camel allows to startup async, so you can
set that option to asyncStartListener=true

Then that happens in another thread, and the bundle will be able to startup.

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Marco Westermann <marwesterm...@gmx.de> wrote:

  I just found an imperfection in camel 10.6 + smx452 + blueprint. I have
some camel bundles each containing a route similar to this one:


Also I reconfigured broker.xml in smx so that it points to a broker on
another maschine. If camel cannot connect to the broker the bundles stay in
state "creating" but there is nowhere a hint what the reason is. First I
thought that the bundles are waiting for some dependencies but that was not
the case. Then I found out that camel cannot connect to the activemq broker
cause of the firewall. But it is the same if the activemq is not running.

the list command in smx looks the following:

[ 187] [Active     ] [Created     ] [       ] [   80] Intersales ::
QuickStep :: API (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 188] [Active     ] [Creating    ] [       ] [   80] InterSales :: QBUS ::
Sender :: ArticleGroups (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 189] [Active     ] [Creating    ] [       ] [   80] InterSales :: QBUS ::
Sender :: QuantityUnits (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 190] [Active     ] [Creating    ] [       ] [   80] InterSales :: QBUS ::
Sender :: DelivererGroups (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)

imho there should be a warning or something that the component cannot
connect to the broker. That would help to find out why the bundles stay in
state creating.

best regards, Marco

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