Hi all again,
I have investigated the behavior and I get to the conclusion that vm: does
not support the option "multipleConsumers" between different contexts (on
the same JVM).
Could anyone please confirm if this is the expected behavior or if it is a

thank you!

PS. Here are my clues and the code I have used to make the test:

1. if start multiple consumers on "seda:test" or "vm:test" on the same
CamelContext I get a
"Failed to start route route2 because of Multiple consumers for the same
endpoint is not allowed" (Expected Behavior)

2. if start multiple consumers on "seda:test" from different CamelContext I
get no errors but no message is exchanged (Expected Behavior)

3. if start multiple consumers on "vm:test" from different CamelContext
get no errors, and only one consumer get the message (???? I don't if it is
the desired behavior or if it should work as case 1 as vm: should see that
there are multiple consumers for the same endpoint)

4. if start multiple consumers on "seda:test?multipleConsumers=true" or
"vm:test?multipleConsumers=true" on the same CamelContext  t works and each
consumer get the message  (Expected Behavior)

5. if start multiple consumers on "seda:test?multipleConsumers=true" using
different CamelContext   get no errors and again no message is exchanged
(Expected Behavior as each camel context is independent)

6. if start multiple consumers on "vm:test?multipleConsumers=true" using
different CamelContext I get no errors, but only one consumer get the
message (Unexpected Behavior!!)

Here the class I have used to make the test:

package eu.protectrail.esb.camel;

import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext;

public class CamelSedaVmTests {

  public static class TestConsumer {
    private final String id;
    private final CamelContext context;

    public TestConsumer(String id, CamelContext context) {
      this.id = id;
      this.context = context;

    public void registerRoutes(final String endpoint) throws Exception {
      context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() {
          from(endpoint).process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
              System.out.println(id + " has received " +

  public static class TestProducer {

    private final CamelContext context;

    public TestProducer(CamelContext context) {
      this.context = context;

    public void produce(String body, String endpoint) {
      ProducerTemplate template = context.createProducerTemplate();
      template.sendBody(endpoint, body);

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // NOTE: uncomment the endpoint to test and set shareContext value to
    // true to use the same camel context for all the routes

    // final String endpoint = "seda:test";
    // final String endpoint = "vm:test";
    // final String endpoint = "seda:test?multipleConsumers=true";
    final String endpoint = "vm:test?multipleConsumers=true";
    boolean shareContext = false;

    TestConsumer consumerOne;
    TestConsumer consumerTwo;
    TestProducer producer;

    if (!shareContext) {
      // Test using 3 different contexts for the 2 consumer and the producer
      DefaultCamelContext contextUno = new DefaultCamelContext();
      DefaultCamelContext contextDue = new DefaultCamelContext();
      DefaultCamelContext contextProducer = new DefaultCamelContext();

      consumerOne = new TestConsumer("one", contextUno);
      consumerTwo = new TestConsumer("two", contextDue);
      producer = new TestProducer(contextProducer);


    } else {
      // Test using the same contexts for consumer and producers
      DefaultCamelContext sameContext = new DefaultCamelContext();
      consumerOne = new TestConsumer("one", sameContext);
      consumerTwo = new TestConsumer("two", sameContext);
      producer = new TestProducer(sameContext);



    System.out.println("-- START --");
    producer.produce("foo", endpoint);

    producer.produce("bar", endpoint);

    producer.produce("baz", endpoint);

    System.out.println("-- END --");

2013/9/4 Cristiano Costantini <cristiano.costant...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I've switched and endpoint using seda: with options multipleConsumers=true
> and waitForTaskToComplete=Never to using vm: component.
> After this, the application does not respect anymore the
> multipleConsumers=true options and two concurrent consumer steal the
> message.
> I may have other issue which I'm going to investigate, but to avoid waste
> time I please ask you if I'm missing some detail by switching from seda: to
> vm: (it is the first time I use vm: and I was expecting the same behavior
> of the seda:endpoint)
> I'm using Camel 2.10.6 inside Servicemix 4.5.2.
> Thank you very much!
> Cristiano

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