You can have a abstract base route builder class where you have shared
onException and whatnot. And then just call super.configure() in your
route classes

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 10:20 PM, kraythe . <> wrote:
> Greetings, I have the following exception handling code on every route that
> I make. Since it is cut and paste I would love to factor it out into some
> kind of route fragment that I could use in each route that is using it. Any
> suggestions on how I could go about this? Direct wont work and the error
> handler cannot be configured the way I want it (not to mention that there
> are a couple of routes that do slightly different things. Thanks for your
> time and here is the route snippet:
>         .onException(Exception.class).useOriginalMessage().handled(true) //
> catch exceptions
>         .setHeader(Exchange.FAILURE_ROUTE_ID, property(Exchange.
> FAILURE_ROUTE_ID)) // set route that errored
>         .setHeader(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, simple(this.STORE_MSG_EXPR)) //
> Store reason for error
>         .to(ExchangePattern.InOnly,
> // to DLQ
> *Robert Simmons Jr. MSc. - Lead Java Architect @ EA*
> *Author of: Hardcore Java (2003) and Maintainable Java (2012)*
> *LinkedIn: **
> <>*

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Twitter: davsclaus
Author of Camel in Action:

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