XA transactions are usually only needed if you have multisystem
transactions to be coordinated. So if you read from a JMS queue and because
of that store a message in a database then send a message on to another
queue, you want both the DB and the JMS to roll back if there is a 500
error calling a web site or something. For that you need XA. If you are
just going broker queue to queue tyou dont need XA.

*Robert Simmons Jr. MSc. - Lead Java Architect @ EA*
*Author of: Hardcore Java (2003) and Maintainable Java (2012)*
*LinkedIn: **http://www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-simmons/40/852/a39

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Henryk Konsek <hekon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> > In our application we have a lot of routes that follow the same pattern:
> > read a message, do some processing, update/insert in the database and
> then
> > send a message to the next route.
> > (...)
> > do we need XA transactions (...) ?
> That's right. You don't need XA to transactionally process your
> message flow. Plain local JMS transaction, ActiveMQ reredelivery
> mechanism and some Camel magic will be fine here. :)
> Just mark consumer endpoint as transactional [1] (as demonstrated on
> the snippet below) and ActiveMQ will handle the message redelivery for
> you.
> <from uri="activemq:div.line"/>
> <transacted/>
> <bean ref="divServiceActivator" method="validateDivLine"/>
> Keep in mind that ActiveMQ broker will keep the message in div.line
> queue until the transaction will be committed by the Camel at the end
> of the route (after sending message to div.line.processed queue). If
> divServiceActivator will throw the exception during the DB update, the
> Camel will not commit and message incoming from div.line will be
> redelivered by the broker. You can control how many times message will
> be redelivered by the broker on the ActiveMQ configuration level [2].
> Now is the tricky part. Notice that it is still possible that Camel
> can fail to commit JMS transaction *after* successful DB update (power
> outages happen). That would mean that incoming message will be
> redelivered and processed twice. To handle this situation and keep
> your system state concise make divServiceActivator#persistDivVehicle()
> bean invocation idempotent [3], so it won't try to alter database
> twice. You can also try to make
> divServiceActivator#persistDivVehicle() operation idempotent on the
> business logic level (sometimes it is as trivial as checking if entity
> with given ID hasn't been persisted already).
> Cheers.
> [1] http://camel.apache.org/transactional-client.html
> [2] http://activemq.apache.org/message-redelivery-and-dlq-handling.html
> [3] http://camel.apache.org/idempotent-consumer.html
> --
> Henryk Konsek
> http://henryk-konsek.blogspot.com

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