Why do you think you have to use multicast [1]? Didn't you want a pipeline

[1] http://camel.apache.org/multicast.html
[2] http://camel.apache.org/pipes-and-filters.html



Software Integration Specialist

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V.P. Apache Camel | Apache Camel PMC Member | Apache Camel committer
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On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 3:46 AM, camel user <cameluser2...@yahoo.in> wrote:

> In the below snippet, I want the property empNo to be available in the
> route3. Is it possible?
> My ultimate goal here is that I want to use a value derived from the URI
> in Multicast first route to be available in the multicast second route. How
> to achieve it? Please help.
> <route id="1">
> --some stuuf goes here--
> <to uri="serviceURI1"/>
> <setBody><simple>${body}</simple></setBody>
> <multicast>
> <to uri="direct:route2"/>
> <to uri="direct:route3"/>
> </multicast>
> </route>
> <route id="2">
> <from uri="direct:route2"/>
> <to uri="serviceURI2"/>
> <setProperty
> propertyName="empNo"><xpath>/result/empNo/text()</xpath></setProperty>
> </route>
> <route id="3">
> <from uri="direct:route3"/>
>    <log message="${property.empNo}"/> --Prints nothing as empNo is not
> available in this route
> </route>

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