RAW() should work in your case.

You can also use the amazonSQSClient option to let camel lookup the configured 
client for you as a workaround.

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
Web: http://www.redhat.com
Blog: http://willemjiang.blogspot.com (English)
http://jnn.iteye.com (Chinese)
Twitter: willemjiang  
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On March 14, 2014 at 3:31:48 AM, Phil Mocek (phil-li...@mocek.org) wrote:
> Must percent-encoded special characters in a Camel message endpoint URI
> be wrapped in RAW() in order for Camel to correctly process the URI?
> For example: I believe the following is a valid [Camel endpoint URI of
> schema "aws-sqs"][1]:
> That would refer to an AWS SQS queue named my-sqs-queue, available with
> AWS access key AKIADKB5LS3V6L9XWB2 and secret key
> wvAUnoM+RLZzdWmyBDIYdLRGEHa8BY57sKjy0tXO.
> Because the "+" in that secret key is a [reserved character in URI
> syntax][2], we must [percent-encode][3] it when composing a URI with
> that secret key, whether the intended use be Camel or anything else.
> It's unclear to me whether the problem reported with [CAMEL-5453][4]
> ("An AWS key with "+" gets stripped out by
> DefaultCamelContext.normalizeEndointUri and URISupport.parseQuery for at
> least the SQS Component") then described as fixed with [CAMEL-6176][5]
> ("Camel 2.10.1 incapable of working with + in endpoint URIs"), was
> actually *fixed* (i.e., Camel now works correctly with some valid URIs,
> such as my example), or the result was simply the addition of a new
> feature that can be used to work around the problem (i.e., Camel still
> fails with some valid URIs, such as my example, but offers RAW() for use
> in working around this flaw.
> Although I find discussion of the availability of RAW() in the [Camel
> "How do I configure endpoints?" FAQ entry][5], I see no indication in
> the [Camel architecture: URIs documentation][7] or in the [Camel SQS
> Component documentation][3] that use of RAW() is required under any
> circumstance.
> References:
> [1]:  
> [2]:  
> [3]:  
> [4]:  
> [5]:  
> [6]:  
> [7]:  
> --
> Phil Mocek
> https://mocek.org

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