Hi All:

I'm tring camel-hbase component, and I did follow the guide page
http://camel.apache.org/hbase.html . I have some questions here:

1. Header Mapping Options
for example, the 'rowId' options, the name should be 'CamelHBaseRowId'
,right (same for others)?

2. Examples
it says we can specify multiple headers to put multiple values at once, the
sample as below:
    <from uri="direct:in"/>
    <!-- Set the HBase Row 1st column -->
    <setHeader headerName="CamelHBaseRowId">
    <!-- Set the HBase Row 2nd column -->
    <setHeader headerName="CamelHBaseRowId">
    <!-- Set the HBase Value for 1st column -->
    <setHeader headerName="CamelHBaseValue">
    <!-- Set the HBase Value for 2nd column -->
    <setHeader headerName="CamelHBaseValue2">
    <to uri="hbase:mytable?opertaion=CamelHBasePut&amp;family=myfamily&amp;

I don't understand how we can do that in camel, because the previous value
will be overwrote if same header name comes. right?

3. Remove option
I tried camel-hbase on consumer side, all scanned rows will be removed if
we didn't specify option remove=false, however this option doesn't describe
on the page

4. Family and Qualifier options
On consumer part, it is said we can also use uri option and header option
(I'm not sure how to use header option in this case). I tried to specify
family and qualifier options, however, the returned value will always be
null. I'm not sure they are forbidden or it's a bug. I created a bug and
add details for it: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-7296

I appreciate to get some answers about these questions. Thanks.

Best Regards
Mail: clevers...@gmail.com

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