
I've got the following routes set-up:

Jpa --> aggregation (jdbc, with completion size & timeout) --> multicast 
to(direct1) & to (direct2)

Direct1 --> bean1 --> marshal(bindy) --> to(file:file1)
Direct2 --> bean2 --> velocity --> to(file: file2)

I.e. I aggregate messages from a JPA store, once enough of them are accumulated 
or a timeout has been reached, I route the aggregated messages to two 
endpoints, each of which generates a file. 

I've got a requirement to let this route behave transactional:
* JPA --> aggregation should be transactional: i.e. in case aggregation fails, 
the item in the JPA store should not be removed
* aggregation --> file1 & file 2 should be transactional: i.e. in case the 
generation of one of the two files fails, the aggregation should remain and the 
files should not be written (or deleted via compensations).

I've been fiddling around with transactions and compensations, trying to find 
answers on the internet and in the Camel inaction book,  but haven't really 
been able to get the whole thing working. The following questions are what 
currently bothers me:
* jpa -> aggregation is marked as transacted(). However it seems to me this 
implies the whole of all routes is transacted (i.e. in case of a failure, the 
rollback is to the JPA store, not to the aggregation). As the completion 
timeout may be quite large (e.g. 24 hours), wouldn't this cause a transaction 
timeout to occur? I've been looking into a second transaction (with 
REQUIERES_NEW) after the aggregation. Is this the correct way to split the 
* Compensations: although the transaction fails, the onSucces of the 
Synchronization is called, which to me seems weird.
* In case an error occurs, maintenance personnel would like to receive an email 
with the error so corrective actions can be taken. I've tried with both the 
onException() and errorHandler, but both don't seem to do what I want (the 
message is not delivered, at least, in the case where I used a direct endpoint 
as a first test case).

Thanks for any help.

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