On Jun 9, 2014, at 1:03 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:50 PM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure that's it. It's almost like the SQL Component doesn't like 
>> column names specified in the SQL. I tried changing it to "SELECT * FROM 
>> MEMBER" and then hard-coding the dataSource name to match a bean name, and 
>> it works. I guess I can live with using "select *", but you'd think any 
>> valid SQL would work.
>> Now, to set my dataSource dynamically. I have a @Bean configured as follows:
>>        @Bean(name = "ds.dsforclient1")
>>        public DataSource upmcDataWarehouse() {
>>                DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new 
>> DriverManagerDataSource();
>>                // set properties
>>                return dataSource;
>>        }
>> I expect the following logic to set a "dataSource" header to 
>> "ds.dsforclient1".
>>>>               switch (client) {
>>>>                       case "client1":
>>>>                               dataSourceName = "dsforclient1";
>>>>                               break;
>>>>                       case "client2":
>>>>                               dataSourceName = "dsforclient2";
>>>>                               break;
>>>>                       default:
>>>>                               // todo: propagate to error
>>>>               }
>>>>               exchange.getOut().setHeader("dataSource", "ds." + 
>>>> dataSourceName);
> Just a note about the getOut. You should favor getIn. See this FAQ
> http://camel.apache.org/using-getin-or-getout-methods-on-exchange.html
>> However, I get the following error:
>> Failed to resolve endpoint: sql://mycustomsql?dataSource=%23dataSource due 
>> to: No bean could be found in the registry for: dataSource of type: 
>> javax.sql.DataSource
>> If I hard-code "?dataSource=ds.dsforclient1", it works fine. Is there a 
>> special syntax to tell the SQL component that this is a bean name?
> Yes see that link, section _Referring beans from Endpoint URIs_
> http://camel.apache.org/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html
> eg use #key to denote a bean lookup.

I had to use ?dataSource=${header.dataSource} since it's a dynamic value.

Any idea about why columns names aren't allowed in SQL? If I change from 

Illegal character in scheme name at index 9

It seems like the comma is causing Camel to think it's the end of the endpoint 
definition. Maybe it's caused by the "simple" expression language?

>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> On Jun 9, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Ah dataSource=:#dataSource should just be #dataSource, eg as its a
>>> regular lookup in the registry. See more at
>>> http://camel.apache.org/how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html
>>> Its only the SQL component that has that special :#key for the SQL
>>> placeholders (eg with a colon).
>>> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the advice. I've tried to implement this. Here's what my code 
>>>> looks like:
>>>> from("direct:lookup")
>>>>   .process(new Processor() {
>>>>       public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>               MemberRequest request = 
>>>> exchange.getIn().getBody(MemberRequest.class);
>>>>               String client = request.getClient();
>>>>               String memberId = request.getMemberId();
>>>>               String dataSourceName = "";
>>>>               switch (client) {
>>>>                       case "client1":
>>>>                               dataSourceName = "dsforclient1";
>>>>                               break;
>>>>                       case "client2":
>>>>                               dataSourceName = "dsforclient2";
>>>>                               break;
>>>>                       default:
>>>>                               // todo: propagate to error
>>>>               }
>>>>               exchange.getOut().setHeader("dataSource", dataSourceName);
>>>>               exchange.getOut().setHeader("memberId", memberId);
>>>>       }
>>>>   })
>>>> .recipientList(simple("sql:SELECT MEMBER_ID, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, ADDRESS3, 
>>>> " +
>>>> COLUMN8, COLUMN9, COLUMN10, " +
>>>>       "COLUMN11, COLUMN12, COLUMN13, COLUMN14, COLUMN15, COLUMN16, 
>>>>       "FROM MEMBER " +
>>>>       "WHERE PATIENT.MEMBER_ID = :#memberId?dataSource=:#dataSource"))
>>>> .process(new Processor() {
>>>>       public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>               List<HashMap> data = (ArrayList<HashMap>) 
>>>> exchange.getIn().getBody();
>>>>               List<Member> members = new ArrayList<>();
>>>>               for (HashMap<String, String> map : data) {
>>>>                       Member member = new Member();
>>>>                       member.setMemberId(map.get("MEMBER_ID"));
>>>>                       member.setFirstName(map.get("FIRST_NAME"));
>>>>                       members.add(member);
>>>>               }
>>>>               exchange.getOut().setBody(members.get(0));
>>>>       }
>>>> });
>>>> Unfortunately, this results in the following error:
>>>> org.apache.camel.NoSuchEndpointException: No endpoint could be found for: 
>>>> ADDRESS1, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component 
>>>> jar.
>>>> I tried switching it to Antoine's recommendation, but it results in the 
>>>> same error.
>>>>   .setHeader("target", simple("sql:SELECT MEMBER_ID, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, 
>>>> ADDRESS3, " +
>>>> COLUMN8, COLUMN9, COLUMN10, " +
>>>>           "COLUMN11, COLUMN12, COLUMN13, COLUMN14, COLUMN15, COLUMN16, 
>>>>           "FROM MEMBER " +
>>>>           "WHERE PATIENT.MEMBER_ID = :#memberId?dataSource=:#dataSource"))
>>>>   .recipientList(header("target"))
>>>> On Jun 8, 2014, at 1:07 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> If you se <to> then the uri is computed statically, eg once when the
>>>>> route is initialized.
>>>>> So the "dynamic to" is a good practice for dynamic uris
>>>>> http://camel.apache.org/how-to-use-a-dynamic-uri-in-to.html
>>>>> As you can the pass in the dataSource parameter dynamically. As well
>>>>> construct the SQL dynamic too.
>>>>> And if you want this CASE SELECT construct in the routes as well, then
>>>>> you can use the content based router. But having that logic in a java
>>>>> class is maybe better.
>>>>> On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Antoine DESSAIGNE
>>>>> <antoine.dessai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Matt,
>>>>>> You'll have to use the recipient list [1] pattern:
>>>>>> from("direct:projects")
>>>>>> .setProperty("ds", /* logic to convert client param to datasource name
>>>>>> */)
>>>>>> .setHeader("target", simple("sql:select * from projects order by
>>>>>> id?dataSource=${property.ds}")
>>>>>> .recipientList(header("target"))
>>>>>> .to(/* what you would do next after the SQL request */)
>>>>>> Antoine.
>>>>>> [1] http://camel.apache.org/recipient-list.html
>>>>>> 2014-06-07 0:08 GMT+02:00 Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com>:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I'm converting services written with IBM Message Broker 6.1 to Apache
>>>>>>> Camel. Here's some of the logic I'm trying to convert:
>>>>>>> SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = '';
>>>>>>> CASE UPPER(InputRoot.XMLNSC.ns:memberLookupRequest.ns:args0.ax21:Client)
>>>>>>>      WHEN 'client1'  THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = 'foo';
>>>>>>>      WHEN 'client2'  THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = 'bar';
>>>>>>>      WHEN 'client3'          THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource
>>>>>>> = 'baz';
>>>>>>> END CASE;
>>>>>>> Basically, a parameter comes in and the dataSource is dynamically
>>>>>>> configured based on it. What's the best way to do this with Apache 
>>>>>>> Camel?
>>>>>>> I'm guessing something like this might work (adopted from
>>>>>>> http://camel.apache.org/sql-component.html):
>>>>>>> from("direct:projects")
>>>>>>> .setProperty("ds", /* logic to convert client param to datasource name
>>>>>>> */)
>>>>>>> .to("sql:select * from projects order by id?dataSource=#${property.ds}")
>>>>>>> Is this the best way to configure dynamic datasources? For each
>>>>>>> datasource, I realize I'll have to configure it as a @Bean with Spring's
>>>>>>> JavaConfig.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>> --
>>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>>> -----------------
>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>>>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>>>>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>>>>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>>>>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/
>>> --
>>> Claus Ibsen
>>> -----------------
>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/
> -- 
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> Red Hat, Inc.
> Email: cib...@redhat.com
> Twitter: davsclaus
> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/

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