
This FAQ

And see the section about configuring passwords

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 12:53 AM, neil Stevens
<neilstevens2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I think I have found a bug in camel-core and I'm hoping someone may be
> able confirm if I am right about this.  In camel it is not possible
> for a URI endpoint to have a query parameter with a value containing
> an '&' symbol.  The bug affects all endpoint types
> For example its possible that a camel route may consume from an FTP
> endpoint with a password conatining an '&' symbol.  For example if I
> wanted to connect to my FTP server in passive mode with a password of
> "Guns&Roses" I would expect the URI to be
> ftp://neil@myHost/myDir?password=Guns%26Roses&passiveMode=true
> When Camel attempts to parse this URI it mistakenly divides
> "password=Guns%26Roses&passiveMode=true" into 3 parameters:
> password=Guns, Roses=null, passiveMode=true.
> I've followed the code through and this appears to be a bug in the
> "parseParameters" method of URISupport class within camel-core.  This
> method uses Java's URI::getQuery method to return the query part of
> the string. This string is then split at '&' characters.  The problem
> is the URI::getQuery method will return the "decoded" query part of
> the URI, when the "encoded" query part should be used  (We require the
> string "?password=Guns%26Roses&passiveMode=true" when URI::getQuery
> returns "?password=Guns&Roses&passiveMode=true").  This then causes
> the split by '&' to split the query parameters incorrectly
> The Javadoc for
> URI(http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/URI.html)
> confims "The getUserInfo, getPath, getQuery, getFragment,
> getAuthority, and getSchemeSpecificPart methods decode any escaped
> octets in their corresponding components. The strings returned by
> these methods may contain both other characters and illegal
> characters, and will not contain any escaped octets.".  Therefore the
> code should be altered to retrieve the enncoded query string.  This
> would be a very simple as would simply mean modifying the line "String
> query = uri.getQuery();" to "String query = uri.getRawQuery()".
> Could a camel developer confirm if they agree that this is a bug.  If
> it is I would be happy to have a go at contributing the fix with a
> unit test if some one can advise me how I should go about doing this
> Thanks
> Neil

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Email: cib...@redhat.com
Twitter: davsclaus
Blog: http://davsclaus.com
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
hawtio: http://hawt.io/
fabric8: http://fabric8.io/

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