Thanks for the explanation, Babak.

I think I see a flaw with this which will break anytime someone uses a
custom DataFormat in REST DSL.

Say I define a custom JacksonDataFormat in the registry (quite a
common thing to do especially if you want to enable/disable config on
ObjectMapper) and point to it in RestConfiguration.jsonDataFormat.

As you said if it's not the default "json-jackson", those two lines
will return the same object which will then get configured twice, with
"outJson" config blowing away any config "json" made previously.

I just replicated this with a small example where REST DSL will reject
incoming request if it doesn't have the response structure(!). Should
I raise this in JIRA?

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Babak Vahdat [via Camel]
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> The "json" and "outJson" variables you mentioned will *not* resolve to the
> same Java object (because of Camel Injector being invoked here behind the
> scenes while resolving), well almost always ... depending if e.g. an object
> under the name "json-jackson" is already bound to the Camel registery which
> isn't really typical. The following code snippet should make both cases
> clear to you:
>         CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
>         DataFormat first = context.resolveDataFormat("json-jackson");
>         DataFormat second = context.resolveDataFormat("json-jackson");
>         System.out.println(first != second); // true
>         JndiRegistry registry = new JndiRegistry();
>         registry.bind("json-jackson", new
> org.apache.camel.component.jackson.JacksonDataFormat());
>         ((DefaultCamelContext) context).setRegistry(registry);
>         DataFormat third = context.resolveDataFormat("json-jackson");
>         DataFormat fourth = context.resolveDataFormat("json-jackson");
>         System.out.println(third == fourth); // true
>         System.out.println(third != first); // true
>         System.out.println(fourth != first); // true
> If interested, looking into the different implementations of Camel’s
> DataFormatResolver should clarify this to you, specially the
> DefaultDataFormatResolver one.
> Babak
> sohrab wrote
> I was just looking through the latest code for
> and I am not quite sure
> how this works so I'd appreciate if someone can explain it to me.
> createProcessor() method looks up both JSON data formats using the same
> name:
> DataFormat json = context.resolveDataFormat(name);
> DataFormat outJson = context.resolveDataFormat(name);
> And further down, it sets the properties for "json" and then "outJson". Now
> I am wondering if that name resolves to the same DataFormat object
> (especially when you have RestConfiguration.jsonDataFormat set), what stops
> setting "outJson" properties, such as unmarshalType, not overriding the
> properties we just set for "json"?
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