The route endpoint was 
"xslt:classpath:xslt/orch-encryptionkey-flowRemoveNamespace.xsl". You may have 
been asking for the actual XSLT which I included but it looks like it got 
pruned by the listserver. I will include it here xml encoded:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
    <xsl:output standalone="yes" 
omit-xml-declaration="yes" />

    <xsl:template match="processing-instruction()">

    <xsl:template match="*">

    <xsl:template match="@*">
        <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}"><xsl:value-of 

I don't believe we are using either of those options, a full text search of our 
entire codebase didn't yield any references.


-----Original Message-----
From: Willem Jiang [] 
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: XSLT Thread Safety Issue

Can I have a look at you XSLT endpoint uri?
Did you use the options of transformerCacheSize or contentCache?

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
Blog: (English) (Chinese)
Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On October 14, 2014 at 9:45:39 AM, Hendley, Sam ( wrote:
> We are having a very strange (and intermittent) issue with some of our camel 
> routes.
> We are in the process of upgrading to a more up-to-date version but 
> are still on camel 2.10.7 and running on java 1.6. I have looked 
> through the forums and tickets but haven't found anything that looks like it 
> could cause this issue.
> What appears to be occurring is this:
> * An XML document is received from a JMS queue (as a text message)
> o The xml is correctly formatted and is what we expect to see
> * It is then routed through an XSLT transformation (to strip off 
> excess namespacing)
> * 99% of the time this works, but very occasionally we get Xpath 
> errors when we go onto the next step
> * We were able to do a heap dump of a system that was having this 
> problem, when we dug through the dump we were able to analyze an 
> instance of the failure (same exchangeId)
> o It turns out that when the issue occurs the enclosing tags (document 
> root) have disappeared rendering the document un-xpathable
> Since this works nearly all of the time and there is nothing special 
> about the failing documents we suspect it could be a threading or race 
> condition in the XSLT processing.
> Are there any known issues that might be related? This route is 
> running in a relatively large and busy camel application that makes 
> heavy use of XSLT transforms. We believe similar issues have occurred 
> in other instances but haven't debugged to this level so that is just a hunch.
> I have included some details below, let me know if there is more I 
> should include. I still have the heap/thread dump if there is anything else 
> that might be worth digging into.
> Thanks for any help or advise,
> Sam Hendley
> Jms Timeout message (notice it has xml header and wrapping of 
> EncryptionKeyFlow) [cid:image001.png@01CFD7FC.D4F23FD0]
> 2193-49984781-keymanager-1411163761368-126275
> orch.encryptionkey.encryptionkeyTimeout.queue
> ....
> timeout
> Request timed out while waiting for response(s).  
> Camel Body (stripped off top and bottom elements)
> [cid:image002.png@01CFD7FC.D4F23FD0]
> 2193-49984781-keymanager-1411163761368-126275  
> orch.encryptionkey.encryptionkeyTimeout.queue  
> ...
> timeout
> Request timed out while waiting for response(s).  
> Route:
> from(JMS_encryptionkeyTimeout).routeId(JMS_encryptionkeyTimeout)
> .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Timed out waiting for encryptionkey response")
> .choice()
> .when(isInBodyNullOrEmpty)
> .to(SEDA_encryptionkeyOrchDead)
> .otherwise()
> .to(DIRECT_processBackToClient)
> .end();
> // Called from several places - when a response needs to be sent back to the 
> client
> from(DIRECT_processBackToClient).routeId(DIRECT_processBackToClient)
> .setHeader(HDR_JMS_CORRELATION_ID).xpath("//*[local-name()='transactionId']", 
> String.class)
> .to(XSLT_toAPIResponsePreprocessing)
> .choice()
> // New response type may be added later
> .when().xpath("not(/*[local-name()='responseQueue'])")
> .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Unable to format encryptionkey response")
> .to(SEDA_encryptionkeyOrchDead)
> .otherwise()
> .recipientList().simple(JMS_RESPONSE_QUEUE)
> .end();
> XSLT that is probably at fault:

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