Hi all,

I’m getting an strange behaviour splitting a message body coming from a ftp
consumer. Below route works perfectly when I use a local file consumer
(line commented). I get a log message per file input line, and I can
process the content later correctly.

But when I change to the ftp I get the file information data:

[fromFtp2SOAP] INFO - Line: -rw-r--r--    1 513      512            83 Dec
05 09:55 simpleTextData.txt

The log line with “ftp:${body}” present correctly the full text content of
the file.

I have tried with and without localWorkDirectory option, with same result.

Any clue? Thanks in advance.
<route id="fromFtp2SOAP">
             <from uri="ftp://user:pass@host
             <!-- from
uri="file:temp/inBox?noop=true&amp;fileName=simpleTextData.txt"/ -->
             <log loggingLevel="INFO" message="ftp: ${body}"/>
             <split streaming="true">
                    <tokenize token="\n"/>
                    <log loggingLevel="INFO" message="Line: ${body}"/>
                    <to uri="direct:continue"/>

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