
I’ve testing a little more and the issue seems related to the Expresion
used by split to iterate.

Ftp consumers generates a message with body input of type  RemoteFile<
FtpFile>. org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FtpFile#toString() method returns the
strange splitted content which originated the post “-rw-r--r--    1
513      512            83 Dec 05 09:55 simpleTextData.txt”.

RouteBuilder#body() Expresion generates this String as output. It can be
seen using  Java DSL. Next route presents the same log as the Spring

.log("Line: ${body}")

Whereas below route works as I need:

.log("Line: ${body}")

Is there any way to force the String type conversion in Spring DSL? I
already tried <convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String"/>, pointed by
Francois, without success.

Is this an expected behaviour or a bug?

Meanwhile, a simple workaround for Spring DSL would be replacing the
tokenizer with a custom bean for splitting:

    <method bean="custoTokenizer" method="splitFtpFile"/>
    <log loggingLevel="INFO" message="Line: ${body}"/>

public class CustomTokenizer {
    public List<String> splitFtpFile(String remote){
        return Arrays.asList(remote.split("\n"));

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