Hello, The code for one of the tests that broke is copied below.
The failure is at require(camelContext.hasEndpoint(PROBE_START) != null, PROBE_START) So it appears that FFProbeRouteTestConfig is not getting injected into the context correctly/at the right time anymore. Works ok when I lock to the Feb snapshot. There is another test with a similar setup that fails. And the app proper starts up ok, but some routes are not found/started. Thanks again, Steven @RunWith(classOf[SpringJUnit4ClassRunner]) @SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[FFProbeRouteTestConfig], classOf[TestApp])) @IntegrationTest(Array("camel.springboot.jmxEnabled=false")) @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD) @Configuration class FFProbeRouteTest extends JUnitSuite with TryValues with MockitoSugar with StrictLogging { import FFProbeRouteTest._ @Autowired var camelContext: CamelContext = _ @Autowired var template: ProducerTemplate = _ @Test def testFfProbe() { require(camelContext != null, "camelContext") require(template != null, "template") require(camelContext.hasEndpoint(PROBE_START) != null, PROBE_START) require(camelContext.hasEndpoint(PROBE_RESULT) != null, PROBE_RESULT) val result = camelContext.getEndpoint(PROBE_RESULT, classOf[MockEndpoint]) result.setExpectedMessageCount(1) val path = "~/MR-assets0/DEV/unittest.mp4".toPath template.sendBody(PROBE_START, path) MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(camelContext) result.getExchanges.asScala.toList.last.getIn.getMandatoryBody(classOf[FFProbeInfo]) } } object FFProbeRouteTest { val PROBE_START = "direct:probeStart" val PROBE_RESULT = "mock:probeResult" } @Configuration class FFProbeRouteTestConfig { import FFProbeRouteTest._ @Bean def ffprobeRouteTest(service: FFProbeService, ef: ExchangeFormatter) = new RouteBuilder() { override def configure(): Unit = { from(PROBE_START). routeId("test_probe"). process(SyncRoutesConfiguration.probeProcessor(service, ef)). to("log:ffprobeRouteTest?level=INFO&showAll=true&multiline=true"). to(PROBE_RESULT) } } } -- View this message in context: http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/Latest-2-15-snapshot-breaks-my-unit-tests-tp5763432p5763526.html Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.