I have been unable to find an encoding or approach to include the
ImageMagick argument "+profile" in the argument list for "exec" in
Spring XML DSL as show below.  With each experiment Trace clearly shows
that the "+" sign in the arguments being stripped out.  I tried
plaintext, HTML and decimal encoding plus some dynamic character
substitutions.  I assume the tokenizer and/or the encoder for the
arguments is eating the "+".  Other than the problem argument this
"exec" is working fine.

Does anyone know a good approach, a workaround or an error I made in
Spring DSL before I move to the Java DSL for this one?

<!-- Create a thumbnail. -->
       <!-- The arg tokenizer strips the plus sign for profile. This is
unsolved. -->
      exec:convert?args=${header.CamelFileNameProduced} -thumbnail
200x150 -colorspace RGB +profile * ${header.CamelFileNameProduced}.jpg
      <!-- exec:convert?args=${header.CamelFileNameProduced}[0]
-thumbnail 200x150 -colorspace RGB ${header.CamelFileNameProduced}.jpg -->

Daniel Davis

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