
I'm playing around with getting an existing camel 2.14.1 application integrated 
with spring boot 1.2.2 and am having a hard time working out how to do it. I 
want to use the features of spring boot such as externalised properties and an 
executable war file.

The first problem I encountered was that spring boot uses spring 4.1.x and this 
was incompatible with camel 2.14.x tests so I upgraded to camel 2.15.0.

Next problem is what to do with the BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer I 
already had which allowed me to share properties between Spring and Camel? 
Spring boot has its own way of looking up properties which makes the property 
place holder stuff redundant. If I delete the 
BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer then camel has no way of getting properties 
declared in the spring DSL.

Now I see there is a spring boot and camel integration bit here 
http://camel.apache.org/spring-boot.html which looks like it can solve the 
properties issue. I've tried it and I get errors regarding multiple camel 
contexts. I assume it must be creating its own camel context in addition to 
reading my existing one I had already declared. How do I tell it not to create 
one and just take the one I already have?

Does anyone have a better idea of solving this? I simply want the properties in 
spring boot to be accessible by camel and use my existing routes defined in 
spring DSL. Thanks in advance.

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