
Ah we dont have that.

But we could add support for the file producer to support delete=true
so it will delete the file it wrote at the end of the UoW. But then
again it would only be for special use-cases where you need to write
temp files.

You can always write a bit of java code that deletes the file, and/or
attach the code to the UoW so Camel does it at the end. Or use
onCompletion etc.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 1:57 AM, Davis, Daniel <davi...@si.edu> wrote:
> I have an odd case and Google is not helpful because its an odd case
> (file producer is always matched).  I need to convert PDFs to SWF on
> linux in a route.  The most common tool is called pdf2swf but it has a
> problem characteristic, it can only read from a file and not a pipe
> because it reads the file twice.  The operations in in the middle of a
> bunch of routes kicked off from a JMS message.  It works fine in the
> route shown below.  The issue is that I am left with at least one file.
> The camel file consumer does a great job of cleaning up after itself if
> one wants.  Who would expect the file consumer to delete the file it had
> just written?  I have not found a component that just does OS level file
> manipulation without reading or writing (that doesn't mean there isn't
> one just that I have not found it).  I could write a component (but the
> point of Camel is to not reinvent the wheel unnecessarily) or just call
> Java file operations.  I can do command line operations though they
> would be platform specific.  I really don't like going around Camel if
> there is a way to do something with Camel.  And in the route I already
> know the name of the file(s) and I am done with them by the end of the
> route.
> Does anyone have a suggestion for doing this from XML DSL or Java DSL
> without going around Camel?
> <route id="DerivativesProcessPDF2SWF">
>      <from uri="direct:processDerivativesPDF2SWF"/>
>      <log message="${id} Derivatives: Started PDF2SWF processing ..."
> loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="edu.si.derivatives"/>
>      <!-- Create a Flash derivative using pdf2swf for the Flexpaper
> viewer. -->
>      <!-- Unfortunately pdf2swf cannot accept a pipe as an input stream
> source, hence we use a temporary file. -->
>      <to uri="file://staging/"/> <!-- This will create a temporary file
> that must be cleaned out. -->
>      <recipientList>
>          <simple>
>              exec:pdf2swf?args=${header.CamelFileNameProduced} -o
> ${header.CamelFileNameProduced}.swf
>          </simple>
>      </recipientList>
>      <choice>
>          <when>
>              <simple>
>                  ${headers.CamelExecExitValue} == 0
>              </simple>
>              <to
> uri="fedora:addDatastream?name=OBJ.swf&amp;type=application/x-shockwave-flash&amp;group=M&amp;dsLabel=Flexpaper&amp;versionable=false"/>
>          </when>
>          <otherwise>
>              <log message="${id} Derivatives: Unable to convert PDF to
> SWF. PID: ${headers.CamelFedoraPid} ${headers.CamelExecExitValue}"
> loggingLevel="ERROR"/>
>          </otherwise>
>      </choice>
>      <log message="${id} Derivatives: Finished PDF2SWF processing."
> loggingLevel="DEBUG" logName="edu.si.derivatives"/>
> </route>
> --
> Daniel Davis
> Technical Manager - Office of Research Information Systems
> Smithsonian Institution

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Email: cib...@redhat.com
Twitter: davsclaus
Blog: http://davsclaus.com
Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
hawtio: http://hawt.io/
fabric8: http://fabric8.io/

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