I have a question about the Mina/Netty TCP connector in Camel. Can
Mina/Netty handle bi-directional comms through Camel, or do we need to
handle this type of interface externally?  We have embedded devices
(button/light combo) that will consume TCP messages to light a device and
initiate messages to indicate button press events.  In other words, the
device is the server, but will also spontaneously generate event messages
back to the client/ESB.  Both sides (server/device,client/ESB) expect ACKs
for messages.  So in essence, it is a 2-way communication using 1 TCP
connection, initiated by ESB.

Unfortunately, Camel Netty and Mina doesn’t have the capability to support
2-way asynchronous (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-2624 - It’s
still open ticket rom 2010, 2012 + this is the duplicated ticket with some
more context: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-1075 )

What we have tried so far:

1. synchronous channel (before realize the limitation above): This will
always require our ESB-EndPoint to initiate the conversation, good to
receive ACK, but not allowing device to send Event message at will.

2. asynchronous channel: (http://camel.apache.org/async.html ) With async
model, we can send request, do something else and let the async callback to
process the reply. However, we still have a 1-1 relationship between
request and reply, and so in order to allow device to “initiate” the Event
message, ESB-Endpoint will need to send more “no-op requests” to
device-Endpoint, to catch for ACK and Event message.

This solution is not beautiful (quite hacking), and will not work if
there’s no “no-op operation” (e.g. device will ACK on all messages sent).

3. Look at examples in these 2 books: “Camel in Actions” (
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3786274/Camel%20In%20Action.pdf )  and
“Apache Camel Developer’s Cookbook” (
but not much light on the issue we are facing.

Any help?


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