To use controlbus you need to identify/name your route. Your from
definition will look like this


If you dont plan to use the controlbus, then in the current stopRoute
method you can stop the route with following lines.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 11:02 PM, Andrew Block <> wrote:

> Take a look at the Control Bus [1] which provides the functionality to
> start/stop routes from another route.
> - Andy
> [1] -
> --
> Andrew Block
> On June 5, 2015 at 11:41:24 AM, Akram ( wrote:
> I am triggering the quartz cron scheduler in one route. The requirement is
> to
> stop/remove the scheduled quartz job from another route. I have tried the
> below code but in vain.
> //Quartz route
> /from("quartz://myGroup/everyMinute?cron=0+0/1+*+*+*+?&stateful=true)
> .to("stream:out")/
> //Another route to stop the quartz scheduler
> /from("restlet:/stopquartz?restletMethod=GET")
> .beanRef("processor", "StopRoute")
> .to("stream:out");/
> //Stop Route method
> /public void stopRoute(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
> CamelContext context = exchange.getContext();
> ServiceStatus status =
> context.getRouteStatus(exchange.getIn().getHeader(ROUTE_NAME).toString());
> if (!(status == ServiceStatus.Stopped || status ==
> ServiceStatus.Stopping)) {
> context.stopRoute(ROUTE_NAME);
> exchange.getOut().setBody(context.getRouteStatus(exchange.getIn().getHeader(ROUTE_NAME).toString()));
> }else{
> exchange.getOut().setBody(ROUTE_NAME+" is already in stopped
> state");
> }
> }/
> Quartz route is not stopping and Scheduled job is still running.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at

- Ravi

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