Hi guys,

I don't know if this mail is for camel folks or karaf folks.

I'm using camel 2.15.2 with its REST DSL and camel-swagger in an OSGi
environment (I tried both karaf 2.4.3 and karaf 4).

I'm using the servlet component by exposing it as OSGi services :

   - CamelHttpTransportServlet for my camel route
   - DefaultCamelSwaggerServlet for the swagger documentation.

Then I use the swagger ui to see the documentation.

I can see my rest endpoint and the documentation I put in "description" but
it's not able to show me the model for the request and the response
(defined in "type" and "outType").

However if I use the same routes and the same servlet in a spring-boot
environment, it works like a charm.

I tried to find some information on the web but I didn't find anything
about missing supports or bug with karaf and camel and the latest version.

So is it a known bug ? Or camel will support it in future version ? Or is
it a lack of support in karaf ?



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