Hi All,

I'm trying to send the soap request using camel-cxf:2.10.2 and 
cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty:2.6.3. I have user name & password (using 
AuthorizationPolicy to set them) from the service provider and that's it i.e. 
can't do anything about their SSL certs.

Marshaling seems to be working, but my route is failing while trying to open 
SSL connection to the server with this message:

Caused by SSLHandshakeException: SSLHandshakeException invoking 
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: 
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find 
valid certification path to requested target

I found JSSE Utility http://camel.apache.org/camel-configuration-utilities.html 
 and it looks like it was created to solve this kind of problem, but I'm not 
sure how to configure it... Is there any example that I can use as a reference 
or may be somebody have this done before (I'm pretty sure it was done at least 
several thousand times)


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