Also, to complete, there is this log just before the poll related to the locking, it is maybe linked:

2015/12/16 18:11:26,790 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.component.file.FileEndpoint] : Parameters for Generic file process strategy {readLockMinAge=0, readLockMarkerFile=true, readLock=markerFile, readLockRemoveOnCommit=false, readLockTimeout=10000, readLockRemoveOnRollback=true, readLockLoggingLevel=WARN, readLockDeleteOrphanLockFiles=true, readLockMinLength=1, readLockCheckInterval=1000} 2015/12/16 18:11:26,901 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.component.file.FileEndpoint] : Using Generic file process strategy: org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy.GenericFileRenameProcessStrategy@4266b6 2015/12/16 18:11:26,903 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.component.file.strategy.MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy] : Prepare on startup by deleting orphaned lock files from: /tmp/junit6150402493774267253/in

Also the problem does not happen all the time and on all my machines…

Le 17/12/2015 09:37, Victor NOËL a écrit :

I set-up a route with the following consumer URI:

At one point in the log I get the following information:
2015/12/16 18:11:26,278 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultScheduledPollConsumerScheduler] : Scheduling poll (fixed delay) with initialDelay: 500, delay: 500 (milliseconds) for: Endpoint[file:///tmp/junit6150402493774267253/in?initialDelay=500] 2015/12/16 18:11:26,282 GMT+0100 INFO [org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext] : Route: route3 started and consuming from: Endpoint[file:///tmp/junit6150402493774267253/in?initialDelay=500]

Just after starting it, I simply move a file into the following directory.

Then more or less 500ms after the first log, later there is the first poll: 2015/12/16 18:11:26,910 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.component.file.FileConsumer] : Took 0.006 seconds to poll: /tmp/junit6150402493774267253/in

And then after that, 3 seconds later, I get this message (which according to the code is logged before the Exchange are sent…) 2015/12/16 18:11:29,191 GMT+0100 FINE [org.apache.camel.component.file.FileConsumer] : Total 1 files to consume

How come 3 seconds passes before the exchange is sent into the route?

Thank you for your help (I'm using Camel 2.16.0).

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