I am trying to do the XML to JSON conversion using camel-xmljson with some 
specified date types such as number, boolean, etc. 
Example 1: input XML:<a>  <b>string</b>


Expected JSON:
{"a":{"b":"string", "c": 12345}}
You can see 12345 should be a number instead of a string.  

Result JSON:{"a":{"b":"string", "c": "12345"}}

Notice the double quotes around the 12345.
Example 2: In this example we specify the type="number" . input XML:<a>  


Expected JSON:
{"a":{"b":"string", "c": 12345}}
You can see 12345 should be a number instead of a string.  

Result JSON:{"a":{"b":"string", "c": {"@type":"number","#text":"12345"}}}

We are using the spring XML to configure the camel routes and data format.
Could anybody give some advise if there is a easier way to configure above in 
Spring XML wihtout involving customized java code? 

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