Never mind, I just noticed that stopping and restarting is reloading the
properties, I must have accidentally changed the wrong property which is
why it didn't work,  My bad. :)

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:25 AM Ryan Moquin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I normally use OSGi with Camel therefore I am able to take advantage of
> the fact that when a property that is used in an endpoint url, is changed
> in it's configuration file, the camel context reloads and the endpoint uri
> is rebuilt with the updated property value.
> I'm working on a project that currently isn't using OSGi, is there a way
> to mimic the same thing without it?  I am able to detect property file
> changes, and then invoke a stop and start on a CamelContext, but it still
> hangs onto the old endpoint uri.  Is there a way to cause the
> PropertiesComponent to reload the properties and the endpoint uris to get
> re-resolved?  I saw there is a cache flag on the PropertiesComponent, I
> didn't see any documentation on exactly what that does.
> Thanks for any help!
> Ryan

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