Very cool. Glad to hear it's working.
On May 16, 2016 1:16 AM, "Michele" <>

> Hi Brad,
> first of all, thank you for all.
> If I understood, I changed route configuration like this (doneFileName
> Policy on Local Producer and Consumer):
> <route id="RemoteFileReader">
>         <from
> uri="ftp://username@host/IN?password=xxxxxx&move=Save&stepwise=false";>
>         <to uri="file:/tmp/localWork?doneFileName=${file:name}.done" />
> </route>
> <route id="LocalFileReader">
>         <from
> uri="file:/tmp/localWork?doneFileName=${file:name}.done&delete=true&readLock=changed&readLockCheckInterval=5000&readLockTimeout=15000">
> ... process it
> </route>
> // OnException
> <route id="ReportBuilderRoute">
>         <from uri="direct:messageDiscarded" />
>         <marshal ref="LoggerDataFormat" />
>         <setHeader headerName="OutputUriReport">
> <simple>{{}}?fileName=ERR_${file:name.noext}.csv&amp;fileExist=Append</simple>
>         </setHeader>
>         <recipientList>
>                 <header>OutputUriReport</header>
>         </recipientList>
> </route>
> // Upload outcome on FTP
> <route id="ReportFileUploader_Route">
>         <from
> uri="{{}}?readLock=changed&amp;readLockCheckInterval=5000&amp;readLockTimeout=15000"
> />
>         <log message="Tranfering report file ${in.header.CamelFileName}" />
>         <to
> uri="ftp://username@host
> /IN/Errors?fileName=${file:name.noext}_${date:now:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.csv&password=xxxxx"
> />
> </route>
> doneFileName Policy didn't work on report builder and upload it on FTP
> (Route configured in previous post). I changed it introducing only readLock
> Policy on consumer (ReportFileUploader_Route) and when the whole report
> will
> be ready, it will move on FTP Errors folder. I hope it goes well. I tested
> it more than once and it work fine.
> Thank you for your support ;).
> Best Regards
> Michele
> --
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