
We are getting the below error in Kafka consumer for Camel 2.17 with Kafka

2016-05-17 14:43:06,269 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,274 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,279 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,283 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,290 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,295 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,301 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,306 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,311 [nsfeed-invoice]] INFO  AbstractCoordinator            
- Marking the coordinator 2147483155 dead.
2016-05-17 14:43:06,570 [nsfeed-invoice]] ERROR ConsumerCoordinator            
- Error UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID occurred while committing offsets for group 
2016-05-17 14:43:06,570 [nsfeed-invoice]] WARN  ConsumerCoordinator            
- Auto offset commit failed: Commit cannot be completed due to group rebalance
2016-05-17 14:43:06,582 [nsfeed-invoice]] ERROR ConsumerCoordinator            
- Error UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID occurred while committing offsets for group 
2016-05-17 14:43:06,582 [nsfeed-invoice]] WARN  ConsumerCoordinator            
- Auto offset commit failed:
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We have 4 consumers , each one for different topic.

3 works fine but 4th one gives this error and as offset is not commited, if 
consumer is started , it begins reading from starting.

Route config is as below:


Please could someone help us here if they have faced same issue.


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